Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

It appears that another year is over. I'm feeling as middle aged as I sound when I say that the years pass more quickly as one gets older.
Our family had quite a few noteworthy events during the year. Well, I guess everyone has noteworthy events each year, but importance is in the eye of the beholder.

Here, in the proverbial nutshell, is our 2008 Year in Review:

We added a new furry friend to the mix. His name is Patrick and he is a red golden retriever. He is an eager companion to all family members but especially likes early morning walks.
We also purchased a new home. In April we closed on a one level 40 year old ranch house on 2 acres.

The house wasn't as big as we wanted, so we have contracted to make renovations.
Photobucket Construction has been lengthy and full of typical snags, but it is getting closer to completion and hopefully we will be able to move in early 2009.
Since the new home has a pool, we spent last summer teaching Joey and the Aud how to swim. Since Joey was afraid of the water, we had several major accomplishments: He is no longer afraid of stepping into or jumping into water that isn't over his head. He will go under water to retrieve "buried treasure" as long as he has goggles. He will use a kick board to kick to the deep end. And, last but not least, he was able to swim about 5 feet in the deep end unassisted. I'm sure we'll start with new fears come spring, but we've accomplished so much already. Audrey is a little less fearful and takes more naturally to water. I anticipate her being able to swim unassisted (but not unsupervised) by early summer.

Since we closed our gym in late 2007, we've still remained busy in teaching kickboxing around the Tennessee valley. Currently our jobs include several classes at the local hospital wellness center, a corporate fitness center and a 2-credit course at University of Alabama in Huntsville. It is refreshing to get paid to teach the classes without having to worry about operating expenses. We now actually make money to teach!

Audrey is in her second year at Little Madison Academy pre-school. She adores her teacher, Mrs. Ruthie, and has started to learn to spell names of family members and words like STOP and STAR. She is in gymnastics weekly, but is becoming more interested in karate. Perhaps the movie Kung Fu Panda had an influence. . . ? She was very happy to receive a Pixos craft set and easy bake oven, and more socks that she could imagine. She plays make believe with all her stuffed friends and little pony statues, and also enjoys helping in the daily chores.

Joseph loves going to school each day. He is 1st grade at St. John’s Catholic school. He takes piano lessons at a great music school, called New Song School of Music. He has played in three recitals this year. You can see him play his song from his Christmas recital on the Merry Christmas blog entry. Here is his piano performance at the Madison Street Festival:

Joey completed his third year of AYSO soccer and makes improvements each season. He started Cub Scouts this year and is working towards his Tiger badge.
In mid-December we received a certificate of Achievement for an art project that was displayed at the Huntsville Museum of Art. Apparently they had an art contest at school, and one person from each class was chosen to have their art displayed. Naturally, we went to the museum to view our famous artist's work. Our proud artist

The trip was complete with a detour afterward to feed bread to the ducks and geese.
Beautiful Winter Day in Huntsville

He lost his first tooth on December 11, and his second followed a few days shy of Christmas. Although he doesn't fully appreciate the silver half-dollar he has received from he Tooth Fairy, suffice it to say that he's getting a good deal. I remember receiving a dime for each tooth.
Hello Tooth Fairy
Joey was extremely pleased to get the gift "I've always dreamed of", that being a K'Nex Motorized Madness Ball Machine. Let's see, he opened it on December 25th, and he will likely finish it January 1st or 2nd. We'll post pics when it is done.

Well, that is our Year in Review. We hope that 2009 works out well for everyone.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas

As is my usual, it seems like I have not kept up with this newly created blog!
Shame on me.

Happenings in the household include preparations for the upcoming Christmas. Both Audrey and Joseph are eager for the big red man to deliver the goods. Joey seems to more about the gifts of "legos and k'nex" and Audrey is all atwitter about the whole Santa Claus thing.

Joseph lost his first tooth on Thursday. He was so excited to have spoken to the toothfairy on the phone as well. He learned that she lives in a castle in the sky and sounds like "a very old lady" over the phone!
Joey had his 4th piano recital today. He brought his sheet music up to the piano, which was his downfall. So, when we got home, he took off his tie, and played the song without sheet music. Enjoy the song of the season!

Hope everyone has a wondermous Christmas!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18, 2008

Although I've been told numerous times that my life is no longer mine, it seems more and more evident as the kids grow. Each Saturday in the fall involves Joey's soccer, and often a birthday party (or 2) for one of the kids' classmates.
Today was no exception. Coach Dad took Joey to his soccer game while Joe's biggest fan and I went to a local park for a birthday party. Audrey had a great time, as is her usual. She was engaging, animated and active.
Joey had fun at his soccer game, as is his usual. He has improved some each season and gets a lot of great exercise running after the ball.
This afternoon was filled with the Fall Festival at our church and Joey's school. Two years ago when I took Joey, he was hesitant to go on any bounce house type attractions and hesitant to even stand in line while I stood to the side. Today, however, my little man bounded gleefully ahead to each game or activity, only stopping to ask me for a ticket to play. Sigh. . .

This past week was filled with sickness and routine. Both Audrey and I were tested positive for Strep Throat, which sidelined me from work for 2 days and Audrey from school for 2 days. Although Joey didn't get tested, he did get treated. Both kids love their medicine and are like baby birds sucking down the pink antibiotics.

Joey did well all week in school and at home, and conquered some sleep battles this week. Next week will be our first parent/teacher conference of the year, and we are eager to hear what his teacher says about him.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Break is Over

Joey and the Aud both had a week off of school. For Fall Break. What!!!???!!! If I remember correctly, we didn't have Fall Break when I was a kid. We had Columbus Day, back before we learned to despise Columbus. We had 2 days for Thanksgiving, and we had Christmas Break, aka "Winter Break".

Even though our kids go to private schools, they still follow the public schools schedule. With all of the teacher breaks and teacher work days, you'd think they would teach better, right?

Joey goes back tomorrow, and Audrey has Columbus Day to add to the week break. So, she will go to the dentist for a cleaning and a check up. She is the only kid I've met that looks forward to going to the dentist, to get her teeth "sparkly". After that, she and Daddy are going on a date! Out to lunch and a ride on a carousel.

Welcome to our First Blog Attempt

10-12-08: this highly unskilled end user will attempt to highlight our lives in this high-tech manner.
With the best of intentions, I've purchased and begun the process of scrapbooking our kids' lives. That has resulted in three complete pages and several boxes of yet-to-be-scrapbooked photos as well as fancy pens, scissors, acid-free papers and die cut outs. I tell myself that there will be time later. . . .

As I approach middle age, I realize that no longer should I put off things that "there will be time for later".

So, folks, this is my attempt to keep our family happenings organized and viewable. Bear with me as I document our daily journey. For the moment you may have to bear with my limited ability to use this format.